Responsible business

Responsible employer

We strive to be a values-led organisation that attracts, develops and retains the best talent

Two people smiling

Our Values and Code of Conduct

We have a fiduciary duty to our clients as managers of their financial assets. Our commitment to our clients is reflected in our Values and in the Code of Conduct which all employees formally sign, acknowledging how we must always act. We expect to be held accountable to our Values, as set out below, in all we do.

Client focus:

We think strategically and creatively to drive innovation in order to best serve our clients and other stakeholders.


We operate at the highest standards to deliver excellent results and manage risk for our stakeholders and the company.


We are ethical, principled, respectful, collaborative and inclusive. We support our communities.


We actively identify opportunities to improve and are accountable for earning and keeping our stakeholders’ trust.

Our Global Code of Conduct includes adherence to specific client-related standards:

1. Delivering an outstanding client experience by exceeding expectations:

  • We create a culture of client focus across the firm.
  • We listen and respond to our clients.
  • We recognise the privilege of being entrusted with our clients’ money.

2. Demonstrating a desire to deliver quality outcomes to clients:

  • We strive to deliver outstanding client service through collaboration with others and maximising contributions.
  • We are committed to building professional relationships to enable best outcomes.
  • Everything we do is for our clients.

3. Demonstrating a quality service to clients by effectively managing firm-wide risk:

  • We actively consider the clients’ best interests at all times.
  • We recognise that risk management is everyone’s responsibility.
  • We actively manage conflicts appropriately seeking best results and collaborating effectively for the benefit of our clients. Every employee’s performance is measured against our Values of Client Focus, Excellence, Integrity and Respect, with the Values reflected in appraisal and personal development plans, and an explicit link to our annual incentive reward cycle. This ensures we are rewarded not just for what we do, but how we do it.

Ensuring a diverse and inclusive culture

Increasing inclusivity and diversity throughout our employee population is one of our strategic imperatives. By creating an inclusive environment that values ideas and perspectives from a number of backgrounds, demands input and commends teamwork, we leverage the varied skills and insights of our people to generate our best investment thinking and business results.

Columbia Threadneedle Investments continues to partner with industry bodies including the Investment Association and The Diversity Project to share best practice and work collaboratively to improve diversity and inclusion within asset management.

Policies / Reports


Columbia Threadneedle Investments – EMEA Remuneration Policy


Flexible working and family leave